


Recruitment Scheme for management service institutions set up by the school of economics in 2021

According to the Interim Measures for the appointment of staff of Lanzhou University (Revised) (school personnel [2019] No. 209), the opinions on further delegating the post management authority of institutions and deepening the comprehensive reform of personnel management (school personnel [2019] No. 212), the opinions of Lanzhou University on the management of departmental cadres during the staff system reform (School Party committee Fa [2019] No. 137), and The implementation plan for the reform of the internal management service organization of the school of economics is specially formulated to do a good job in the recruitment of personnel for the internal management service organization of the school of economics in 2021.

1、 Basic principles

Adhere to the employment standard of both ability and political integrity, and follow the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit selection.

2、 Recruitment positions and requirements

See the appendix for recruitment posts and specific requirements.

3、 Recruitment procedure

(1) Sign up

The combination of personal application and the recommendation of the leader in charge shall be adopted. The candidate shall fill in the personal registration information and select the applied position.

(2) Qualification examination

The college is responsible for the preliminary qualification examination of candidates.

(3) Inspection

The college conducted an investigation on the proposed candidates, including the following aspects:

1. Qualification review. Verify whether the proposed candidates meet the specified application conditions, and confirm whether their registration information and materials are true and accurate.

2. Inspect the political ideology, moral quality, discipline and law-abiding, ability and quality, work attitude, learning performance in school, etc. of the proposed candidates by consulting files or conversations.

3. Through internship and other links, investigate the affinity, teamwork ability and execution of the proposed candidates.

(4) Publicity

The college shall publicize the qualified candidates in the unit for a period of no less than 3 working days.

(5) Employ

After no objection is made to the publicity, the college shall submit the proposed candidates to the human resources department for filing.

4、 Schedule

(1) Registration deadline: April 20.

(2) Qualification examination: April 21-22.

(3) Inspection: before April 24.

(4) The recruitment materials shall be filed with the school before May 1.

School of Economics

April 19, 2021

List of Posts recruited by management service institutions set up by the school of economics in 2020

Number of recruits

Job requirements: one

Job title: Director of General Office

Job responsibilities: responsible for organizing, signing in, recording, issuing and archiving meeting minutes of the Party committee, party government joint meeting, central group learning, college faculty meeting and other meetings, and assisting in the drafting and revision of various rules, regulations and documents; Be responsible for seal management, financial reimbursement, etc., and assist in the assessment of Party and government managers, conference organization, internal service and other related affairs; Be responsible for timely and accurate forwarding of various documents issued by the school office and other competent and business departments to the party and government leaders and functional departments of the college; Responsible for personnel and post doctoral mobile station; Be responsible for filing administrative files; Assist in the relevant work of retirees; Be responsible for the information work of the college and the update and maintenance of website content; Complete other tasks assigned by the party and government leaders of the college.

Basic requirements: now an administrator of the school of economics; At present, he has worked for level 7 or level 8 staff for more than 2 years; Have good political literacy, professional ethics and service awareness; Have good language expression, communication and coordination skills, cooperative spirit and team consciousness, work patiently and carefully; Strong discipline and execution; Not punished by Party discipline or government discipline.


Job title: Director of Undergraduate Management Service Center

Job responsibilities: responsible for students' Ideological and theoretical education and value guidance; Be responsible for the construction of students' party, league and class; Be responsible for the construction of students' style of study; Be responsible for student daily affairs management and service; Carry out students' mental health education and consultation; Responsible for students' Network Ideological and political education; Be responsible for dealing with student related campus crisis events; Be responsible for students' career planning and employment and entrepreneurship guidance; Carry out theoretical and practical research on Party construction, ideological and political education and related disciplines; Responsible for the publicity and information construction of the college website; Be responsible for internal and external communication of the college's student work group; Complete other tasks assigned by the party and government leaders of the college.

Basic requirements: now an administrator of the school of economics; At present, he has worked for level 7 or level 8 staff for more than 2 years; Party members or probationary party members, resolutely implement the party's basic theory, basic line and basic strategy, and love the ideological and political education of college students; Strong organization and management, language expression ability and computer application ability; Be physically and mentally healthy, and have the physical and psychological conditions required to perform their duties; Meet the requirements of counselors' professional ability standards, and have not been punished by Party discipline or government discipline.

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